Uništavanje sakralnih objekata!!!
Početak agresije na Bosnu i Hercegovinu nije samo promijenio živote miliona ljudi. Karakteristika tog perioda je i enormno razaranje religioznih objekata, u najvećem broju objekata islamske arhitekture. Bio je to dio plana uništenja i negiranja bosanskih tekovina, stoljećima stvaranih u međusobnom kontaktu ljudi različitih kultura, religija i imovinsko-socijalnog statusa. Za agresora je to bio, a jeste i danas, oproštaj sa "nečistom" prošlošću, početak jednog boljeg sutra i konstruisanje vlastite, čiste, srpske stvarnosti usred Bosne i Hercegovine.
Zajedničko kulturno naslijeđe navedeno u donjim spiskovima, je dobrim dijelom uništeno, preorano, prekriveno asfaltom, ali još uvijek živi u mnogim dušama, svjesnih težine tog čudesnog bosanskog kulturnog naslijeđa, taloženog jedan čitav milenijum u susretu različitih kultura i religija.
Vlada Republike Bosne i Hercegovine svojim proglasima, obavijestima na engleskom jeziku pokušala je u oktobru 1992. godine skrenuti pažnju svjetske javnosti na ove barbarske zločine srpskog nacionalističkog aparata. Tako je i nastalo ovih 5 proglasa koje imate priliku pročitati na ovoj stranici.
Prvi, treći i peti proglas, bulletin odnosi se na islamske objekte- ukupno 613, drugi na krišćanske objekte - ukupno 84, a četvrti na 9 hrišćanskih objekata. Spisak nije bio konačan i kompletan. Mnogi od ovih objekata su 2006 spomenuti pri izlaganju optužbe BiH protiv Srbije i Crne Gore pred međunarodnim sudom u Hagu.
Napomena: Spiskovi su napisani engleskim jezikom.
januar 2007, BosnaFolk
Bulletin 1
State Commission for Gathering Facts on War Crimes in the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina Bulletin no. 1 Sarajevo, October 1992. Bulletin 1, (TR version) Art. 1.4
The continued aggression against Bosnia and Herzegovina has not only jeopardized the lives of millions of people. It has also caused enormous destruction of many religious objects and buildings of value to the Islamic Community. Deliberate, planned destruction of everything that has been built for centuries in this country, done by contemporary vandals, Serbo-Montenegrin Chetniks and Yugo-army, has caused invaluable damage to the Muslim architectural heritage in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the whole Balkans. In this aggression and in this uncivilized campaign, even the most sacred architectural gems of Islamic architecture, Gazi Husrev-Bey mosque, Imperial mosque (Careva dzamija), Magribia mosque in Sarajevo, Imperial mosque in Foca, Sultan Esme mosque in Jajce, Karajoz Bey mosque in Mostar, as well as many others, have not been spared.
Destruction of Islamic architectural structures today is actually a continuation of earlier programs of genocide against Muslims. The "Vasojevic law" from the first half of the 19th century contains a paragraph that legalizes and encourages this practice.
That barbaric tendency is encouraged in the programs of all Serbian nationalistic organizations. Many islamic objects that are now levelled to the ground, were in previous periods of turmoil also damaged. Even prior to current events, a hatred has been exercised against Muslim artifacts and objects. The very memory of 500 years of existence of Islam in this country has been challenged and violently removed. But the hatred of Serbian- Montenegrin aggressor and local Chetniks of Serbian origin has reached bottom in these times. The world has recorded nothing like this. That is confirmed with this list of destroyed and damaged objects of the Islamic Community in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Unfortunately, this list is not complete and final.
Explanation of some terms used in the following list:
1. Mesdžid - Muslim place of worship
2. Medresa - Muslim religious secondary school
3. Tekky - Muslim monastery
4. Džemat - Local muslim community
5. Vakuf - Islamic endowment institution
6. Turbet - Muslim vault
7. Šerijat - Muslim school of law
8. Mekteb - Muslim religious elementary school
9. Nišan- Nishan - Muslim tomb-stone
10.Mihrab - Pulpit in mosque
- 1. The Sultan Bayazid (Imperial) Mosque in Foca, built in 1500/1 was burnt down and completely destroyed by Serbian terrorists in the night of April 23, 1992.
- 2. The building of the Islamic Community in Foca looted, archives destroyed and a part taken away, after which it was set on fire on April 22/23, 1992.
- 3. The Aladza Mosque in Foca was completely destroyed. It was built in 1550 and represents one of the most magnificent mosques built in the classical Ottoman style.
- 4. Atik Ali-Pasha (also known as "Musuluk") Mosque in Foca, built in 1546, was destroyed by mortars in April, 1992.
- 5. The Dev Suleiman-Bey Mosque in Foca, built in 1633/4 was completely destroyed in April, 1992.
- 6. Defterdar Memishah-Bey Mosque in Foca, built at the end of 16th century, was destroyed in April, 1992.
- 7. Kadi Osman-efendi (Sheh) Mosque in Foca, built in 1593/94, was destroyed at the end of April, 1992.
- 8. Mumin-Bey Mesdzid in Foca, built in the 16th century is substantially damaged and burnt down.
- 9. Sheikh- Pirija Mesdzid in Foca constructed in the 16th century was also damaged and burnt down.
- 10. Mustapha-Pasha Mosque in Foca, 16th century, was destroyed.
- 11. Mehmed-Pasha Kukavica Mosque in Foca dated 1751 was destroyed.
- 12. Medrese of Mehmed Pasha Kukavica in Foca, 1772, was burnt down.
- 13. The newly built Mesdzid in Foca was completely burnt down.
- 14. The mosque in Slatina, near Foca, was destroyed by the aggressor artillery.
- 15. The Emin Turhan Bey mosque in Ustikolina near Foca, built in 1448/9, the oldest one in Bosnia and Herzegovina, destroyed by grenades and set on fire.
- 16. The Old Mosque in Jelec, Foca, built in the 15th century, restored in 1920. Chetniks have laid mines and burnt old Imam alive. After that, they looted and set on fire all houses in the village.
- 17. The Naksibendiy Tekky in Foca, opened in August, 1991, was burnt down as well as the majority of Muslim objects in Foca.
- 18. The Sinan-Pasha mosque in Cajnice was shelled on June 8, 1992. During that attack the dome and the minaret were heavily damaged. After that we have no more information on the destruction of this mosque as well as the destruction of other religious objects. But, it is known that 33 Muslim villages were burnt down, so it is presumed that the religious objects suffered the same destruction.
- 19. The Imperial mosque in Visegrad near Bikavac was totally destroyed. On the place of the mosque the Chetniks started construction of a "cultural center". In the same manner the partisans destroyed a mosque in Visegrad and built their cultural center.
- 20. The Gazanfer Bey mosque built in the 17th century was burnt down. This mosque was recently restored with the minaret in the Bosnian style.
- 21. The new mosque in dzemat in Medjedja near Visegrad was burnt down, while the old imam, Omer ef. Hodzic, was slaughtered by Chetniks.
- 22. The old mosque in Dobrun near Visegrad, from the time of Sultan Fatih, was burnt down.
- 23. The mosque in Zhlijeb dzemat near Visegrad was burnt down.
- 24. The Semsudin (Charshi) mosque in Rogatica, constructed in the 16th century, is destroyed. It was first shelled by tank grenades by Dragan Andjelovic and Ozren Planojevic. The mosque was afterwards burnt down along with a vast number of houses in Rogatica.
- 25. The Husein Bey (Arnaudija) mosque in Rogatica, constructed in 1558, was destroyed.
- 26. The vakuf house and the building of the Islamic Community in Rogatica were completely burnt down. On that occasion the library and archives were also burnt down.
- 27. The mosque in Zhepa near Rogatica was completely destroyed by tank grenades and airplanes.
- 28. The mosque in Podzeplje (Rogatica) was destroyed as well as the new mosque in Godimilja.
- 29. The mosque in Kramer village near Rogatica was burnt down.
- 30. In the region of Rogatica, the mosques in three dzemats were burnt down.
- 31. The Sinan Bey mosque in Gorazhde was heavily damaged, especially the minaret.
- 32. Town mosque in Gorazhde was heavily damaged.
- 33. The building of the Islamic Community in Gorazhde was hit by several grenades.
- 34. The mosque in Ustipraca near Gorazhde was heavily damaged.
- 35. The mosque in Brijest village near Gorazhde was destroyed on May 12, during a fierce attack by the Chetniks' forces.
- 36. The mosque in Drinsko village near Visegrad was burnt down.
- 37. New mosque in Kalesija was heavily damaged. The aggressor used its minaret as sniper and machine-gun nest.
- 38. The mosque in Donji Rajinci near Kalesija was heavily damaged, especially the minaret, by several tank grenades. The mihrab was completely destroyed as well as the front wall. The inside of the mosque was heavily damaged due to detonations. The ex-JNA and Chetniks shelled the mosque during daily prayers, when the mosque was full of people. The mosque had been built 4 years previously.
- 39. In Miljanovci dzemat (Kalesija) the aggressor heavily damaged the mosque with several tank missiles. The dome and minaret were damaged. Its inside was also damaged by bullets and shell fragments.
- 40. In Prnjavor dzemat (Kalesija) a magnificent mosque was built.It was to be opened this year. Unfortunately, the aggressor destroyed the minaret. The dome was also heavily damaged by grenades as well as the walls, while the inside is completely ruined.
- 41. The mosque in Kalesija village (Kalesija) was completely destroyed. The walls of the mosque is the only thing remaining.
- 42. The mosque in Memici, Kalesija, was heavily damaged.
- 43. The mosque in Caparde, Kalesija, was used by the aggressors as a military barracks, and the minaret as a sniper nest. During their withdrawal, the mosque was heavily damaged.
- 44. The mosque in Seher, Kalesija, was demolished and burnt down by the aggressors.
- 45. The mosque in Jelovo Brdo, Kalesija, was completely demolished by the aggressors.
- 46. The Rijecanska mosque in Zvornik constructed in 1988 was destroyed.
- 47. The mosque in Zamlaz (Zvornik) was completely destroyed.
- 48. The mosque in Beksuja, Zvornik, was destroyed.
- 49. The mosque in Divic near Zvornik was destroyed while the Imamand some other men from the dzemat were taken to the concentration camp in Karakaj.
- 50. The mosque in Drinjaca near Zvornik was completely destroyed.
- 51. The mosque in Djulici near Zvornik was destroyed.
- 52. The Kozlucka mosque, Zvornik, was destroyed.
- 53. The new mosque in Skocic, Zvornik, was destroyed.
- 54. The mosque in Sepek dzemat, Zvornik, was destroyed.
- 55. The mosque in Kula Grad, Zvornik, was destroyed, while the base and the graveyard were levelled to the ground by bulldozers.
- 56. The Tekky in Divic near Zvornik was burnt down.
- 57. Turbeh in Divic, Zvornik, was burnt down.
- 58. The Vakuf house with Imam's flat in Divic, Zvornik, was destroyed.
- 59. The mosque in Sapna near Zvornik was heavily damaged by grenades.
- 60. The mosque in Glumina near Zvornik was damaged.
- 61. The building of Islamic Community in Zvornik was burnt down, including the archives.
- 62. The mosque in Ajvazi, Kalesija, was damaged by grenades.
- 63. The Old mosque in Modrica constructed in the 18th century was devastated. The aggressors slaughtered several pigs in the mosque. Muslims were also brutally murdered in the mosque.
- 64. The Osman Bey mosque in Modrica constructed in the 19th century was destroyed as well as the surrounding mezaristan.
- 65. The Haji Ali Bey mosque in Modrica was destroyed.
- 66. The mosque in Tarevci, Modrica, was destroyed.
- 67. The Vakuf house with Imam's flat in Modrica was burnt down.
- 68. The Stenjacka mosque in Teslic was heavily damaged in June and later on as well. Thus, it can no longer serve its purpose.
- 69. The newly built Vakuf house in Teslic was heavily damaged.
- 70. The mosque in Hrankovici village, Teslic, was completely levelled to the ground.
- 71. The mosque in Ruzhevici dzemat was seriously damaged in June, 1992.
- 72. The mosque in Pribinic, Teslic, was destroyed.
- 73. The mosque in Kamenica (Teslic) was destroyed on August 15, 1992, while the whole village was completely looted and burnt down.
- 74. The mosque in Marica (Teslic), opened in 1985, was destroyed. A concentration camp for Muslims was established in this village.
- 75. The mosque in Gornji Teslic was heavily damaged.
- 76. The mosque in Barici (Teslic), was destroyed. The other sacred objects in this town, 15 of them, were either damaged or completely destroyed.
- 77. New mosque in Vlasinje dzemat (Mrkonjic Grad) which was to be opened this year was burnt down on June 11, 1992.
- 78. Hamidija mosque in Rijeka (Mrkonjic Grad) was heavily damaged.
- 79. Turbeh (mausoleum) of the ancient Muslim hero, Alija erzelez, in Gerzov near Mrkonjic Grad was destroyed by explosive devices.
- 80. The mosque in Kopice near Novi Seher (Maglaj) was destroyed in August, 1992.
- 81. The mosque in Lisnja near Prnjavor was completely destroyed.
- 82. The mosque in Prnjavor was damaged by rifle-grenades.
- 83. Mosque in Plane village (Doboj) was fully destroyed on May 26, 1992.
- 84. The mosque in Grapska, Doboj, was completely destroyed.
- 85. New mosque in Matuzici dzemat (Doboj) is ruined due to constant shelling by the aggressor.
- 86. The Lower mosque in Kotorsko ( Doboj) was completely destroyed.
- 87. The Upper mosque in Kotorsko (Doboj) was completely destroyed, including the minaret.
- 88. The mosque in Sevarlije near Doboj was destroyed on June 18, 1992.
- 89. The mosque in Sije near Doboj was heavily damaged.
- 90. Sultan Selim Mosque (Selimija) dating from the 16th century was destroyed in May, 1992. It was located next to the Doboj Citadel.
- 91. The main mosque (Charshi) in Doboj constructed in Oriental style was completely destroyed by Yugo-army and Chetniks in May, 1992.
- 92. The mosque in Orasje dzemat in Doboj was destroyed in May, 1992.
- 93. The mosque in Gracanica near Visoko was damaged by shelling from the aggressors' positions and by their airplanes.
- 94. The Sadrvan mosque in Visoko was damaged in May, 1992 and several times later on by Chetniks' artillery.
- 95. The Saracica mosque in Visoko was damaged.
- 96. The Tabhana mosque in Visoko was damaged.
- 97. The White mosque in Visoko whose architect received the Aga Khan award was damaged by the aggressor artillery.
- 98. The Pertaca mosque in Visoko was damaged.
- 99. The Sarena mosque in Travnik was damaged by grenades.
- 100. The Haji Ali Bey mosque in Travnik was shelled several times.
- 101. The building of the Fewzija Medresa in Travnik was damaged at the end of August, 1992.
- 102. The mosque in Turbe (Travnik) was damaged by missiles fired from Chetniks' positions on Komar and Vlasic.
- 103. The mosque in Karaula in Travnik was hit by several projectiles and minaret was damaged by tank grenades.
- 104. The mosque in Mudrike (Travnik) was set on fire.
- 105. The mosque in Goles (Travnik) was burnt down as well as the whole village, while the Muslims were expelled.
- 106. The new mosque in Bijelo Buce (Travnik) was heavily damaged.
- 107. The Old mosque in Bosnian style in Pulac village, Travnik, was hit by a number of grenades.
- 108. The Bas - mosque (Charshi) in Donji Vakuf was destroyed. At the beginning of the aggression Chetniks slaughtered cattle inside the mosque.
- 109. The Duzic mosque in Donji Vakuf was burnt down by local Chetniks.
- 110. The same happened to the Haji Jusuf mosque in this town.
- 111. The newly built mosque in Seherdzik (Donji Vakuf) that has not been opened yet was burnt down by Chetniks from Oborac.
- 112. The mosque in Korjenici village (Donji Vakuf) was completely burnt down.
- 113. The mosque in Jemanlici (Donji Vakuf) was burnt down.
- 114. The mosque in Staro Selo near Donji Vakuf was burnt down.
- 115. The Mesdzids in Torlakovac, Dobro Brdo, Sokolina, Cehajici, Suhodol and Balhodzici villages, all in the region of Donji Vakuf, were destroyed. All that was done by neighbours imbued with ideology of fascist SDS.
- 116. In Prusac (Donji Vakuf), the magnificent over 400-year old Handanagina mosque was destroyed.
- 117. The Ali Bey Kopcic (Brdska) mosque in Prusac was heavily damaged, while the minaret was completely destroyed. Its new mekteb located next to the mosque was also destroyed.
- 118. The Kjafina mosque (Srtska) was heavily damaged due to constant shelling by neighbours from Serbian villages, Urije and Koscana, near Prusac.
- 119. The City mosque in Prusac was hit by several grenades and destroyed.
- 120. The following buildings of the Islamic Community in Prusac were destroyed or heavily damaged: Vakuf home, three Imams' houses, the Medrese and the turbeh of Hasan Kafija Prusac as well as the Mekteb.
- 121. The minaret of the city mosque in Tuzla, built in the 16th century, was damaged by soldiers of the so-called JNA and drunken Serbian irregulars.
- 122. Mehmed-aga (Jalska) mosque in Tuzla, built at the end of the 16th century, was also damaged by Serbian reservists.
- 123. The Sultan Esma mosque in Jajce, one of the most valuable mosques in Bosnia, constructed in 1749/50, was heavily damaged by shelling of this town for months. All the tombs and nishans of great historical value were also damaged.
- 124. The Sinan Bey mosque (Okica) in Jajce was burnt down.
- 125. The Haji Muharem (Samica) mosque in Jajce was heavily damaged.
- 126. The Dizdar mosque in Jajce, constructed in 1812/13, was seriously damaged by tank grenades.
- 127. The Ibrahim Bey mosque in Jajce, constructed at the end of the 17th century, was damaged by grenades.
- 128. The Hadadan mosque in Jajce was hit by a number of grenades.
- 129. The mosque in Jezero dzemat in Jajce does not exist any more. The same applies to the Imam's house and the entire village. These crimes were committed by Chetniks from Sipovo, Mrkonjic Grad and by Martic's men.
- 130. The roof of the mosque in Vinac dzemat (Jajce) was completely destroyed along with dzemat house and the whole settlement. The <missing text - ed> were murdered in that area.
- 131. The mosque in Sipovo was damaged. During the Second World War, Chetniks from Sipovo burnt down all the mosques in this area as well as the houses of Muslims. The same is happening in 1992.
- 132. The mosque in Vrazhic (Sipovo) was heavily damaged. The mosque in Pliva (Sipovo) was burnt down.
- 133. The mosque in Doganovci (Jajce) was burnt down.
- 134. The Sultan Ahmed mosque in Bugojno, constructed in 1693, was heavily damaged. The building of the Medrese in Bugojno was also seriously damaged together with flat of the main Imam and several rooms. The aggressor also destroyed harem and several nishans.
- 135. The newly built mosque in Kopcici near Bugojno was destroyed by the aggressor.
- 136. Great damage was done to the mosque in Planinica (Bugojno).
- 137. The mosque in Drvetine near Bugojno was heavily damaged.
- 138. The complex of Kopcici nishans and turbeh in Kopcici (Bugojno) were destroyed by the aggressor.
- 139. The mosque in Kupres was completely destroyed.
- 140. The mosque in Vesela (Bugojno) was completely destroyed.
- 141. The mosque in Poric, Bugojno, was a target for the aggressor's artillery from Kupres and Koprivnica.
- 142. The mihrab of the mosque in Trnovo near Sarajevo is the only thing remaining.
- 143. The City mosque in Kljuc was devastated by explosives in the night between July 28 and 29.
- 144. The newly built mosque in Pudin Han village (Kljuc) was levelled to the ground.
- 145. The most magnificent mosque in Bosanska Krajina, Sanski Most, constructed in Oriental style and opened in 1985, was completely destroyed at the end of May, 1992 as well as its minaret by explosives.
- 146. The three newly built Vakuf houses in the vicinity of the previously mentioned mosque in Sanski Most were destroyed.
- 147. The mosque in Trnova village (Sanski Most) was completely levelled to the ground.
- 148. Substantial material damage was done to the mosque in Kamen Grad (Sanski Most).
- 149. The Lower mosque in Bosanski Petrovac was substantially damaged.
- 150. The same happened with the Upper mosque in Bosanski Petrovac.
- 151. The mosque in Trnovaca village (Teslic) was completely destroyed.
- 152. The mosque in Vrbovik near Breza was destroyed, while the minaret was damaged at the end of August, 1992.
- 153. The mosque in Vratnica dzemat (Breza) was shelled a number of times.
- 154. The newly built mosque in Izbod (Breza) was damaged in May, 1992.
- 155. The mosque in Mahala dzemat (Breza) was shelled a number of times.
- 156. The mosque in Ilijas was damaged by Chetniks.
- 157. The mosque in Odzak near Doboj was completely destroyed. The Imam's flat, the Islamic Community building and mekteb were also destroyed.
- 158. The mosque in Bosanski Samac was completely destroyed as well as the Vakuf house with Imam's flat and rooms of the Islamic Community building.
- 159. The main mosque in Bijeljina was demolished, looted and desecrated. The local Chetniks placed the Serbian flag on the minaret and slaughtered Muslims inside the mosque.
- 160. Another mosque in Bijeljina was also damaged, looted and desecrated and no longer serves its function.
- 161. Hadzi-Kurto mosque in Mostar, known as Tabacica, constructed in the 16th century, was destroyed on May 6, 1992.
- 162. Nesuh-aga Vucijakovic mosque in Mostar, known as "under-the-linden-mosque", built in 1528, was destroyed in May, 1992.
- 163. Cejvan-cehaja Mosque in Mostar, built in 1552, was destroyed in the attack by the JNA forces in May, 1992.
- 164. Dervish-pasha Bajazidagic Mosque in Mostar, 1597, was heavily damaged in May, 1992.
- 165. Hadji-Ahmed aga Lakisic Mosque in Mostar, 1650, was heavily damaged in May, 1992. 166. Roznamedzi Ibrahim Efendi Mosque in Mostar, built in the first half of the 17th century, was heavily damaged.
- 167. Cose Haji Jahja Mosque in Mostar, built in the first half of the 17th century, was levelled to the ground.
- 168. Hadzi-Memija Cernica Mosque in Mostar, 16th century, was damaged in the attacks by the Yugo-army in May, 1992.
- 169. Baba Beshir Mosque in Mostar, 1631, was heavily damaged.
- 170. Hadzi Mehmed Bey Karadzoz mosque in Mostar built in 1557/58 was heavily damaged during the aggressor attacks on Mostar for several months.
- 171. The Koski Mehmed Pasha mosque in Mostar, 1618, was heavily damaged on April 23, 1992. Today, it is a ruin.
- 172. Ibrahim-Aga Saric mosque in Mostar was also heavily damaged on April 23, 1992.
- 173. The Sevri Hadzi Hasan mosque in Mostar, built in the 16/17 century, was completely destroyed in the night of April 30.
- 174. The mosque in Gnojnice dzemat (Mostar) was completely demolished.
- 175. The Musalla in Mostar was substantially damaged.
- 176. The Haji Ali-Bey Lefa mosque in Mostar was completely devastated.
- 177. The building of the Islamic Community in Mostar as well as 6 Imam flats and 12 other Vakuf houses were completely destroyed.
- 178. The mosque in Blagaj on the Buna river, Mostar, was destroyed.
- 179.The world famous Tekky in Blagaj on the Buna river (near Mostar) was heavily damaged.
- 180. The Sultan Ahmed mosque (Imperial) in Trebinje constructed in 1719 was heavily damaged by explosive devices placed by drunken Serbian and Montenegrin reservists. The roof, minaret (where Serbian flag was placed) and inside of the mosque were also damaged.
- 181. Osman-Pasha Resulbegovic mosque in Trebinje (1726) was also damaged by Serbian and Montenegrin reservists. Minaret was hit by infantry wapons and the inside of the mosque by bombs.
- 182. Mosque in Lastva near Trebinje was also damaged.
- 183. Traces of exuberance of animal spirits of the reservists are visible on the mosque in Dzivar near Trebinje.
- 184. Sultan Bajazid mosque (Imperial) in Nevesinje (the end of the 15th century) was completely destroyed by the Yugo-Army reservists and local Chetniks.
- 185. Mosque in Odzak (Nevesinje) from the 18th century was destroyed by the Yugo-Army reservists.
- 186. The Haji Velijudin Bakrac (Dugalica) mosque in Nevesinje, constructed in 1515, was completely destroyed by Chetniks in order to exterminate all Muslims from these areas existing there half a millenium.
- 187. The Sinan Deda-efendi mosque (Cucukova) constructed in Nevesinje at the beginning of the 16th century was completely devastated.
- 188. The Celebici mosque in Donja Bijenja dzemat near Nevesinje was completely destroyed, including the mezaristan with nishans dating from the 15th and 16th century.
- 189. The newly built mosque in Kljuni dzemat (Nevesinje) was destroyed, while a vast number of nishans with stecci were demolished and scattered away.
- 190. The mosque in Krusevljani near Nevesinje was completely destroyed by Chetniks.
- 191. The mosque in Zhulji near Nevesinje was destroyed.
- 192. Ten imams' houses and other Vakuf buildings in the region of Nevesinje and its surroundings were looted and destroyed.
- 193. The Telarevic mosque in Bijeljani village, between Bileca and Stolac, constructed in the first half of the 17th century, was destroyed by Chetniks.
- 194. Mujo Kotezlija mosque in Kotezi village, between Ljubinje and Trebinje, which has unique architecture and is considered to be the oldest mosque in this part of Bosnia and Herzegovina, was destroyed by criminals.
- 195. The remains of the mosque in Kazanci (Gacko) constructed in the 17th century were destroyed by explosive placed by Chetniks.
- 196. The mosque in Gacko was substantially damaged.
- 197. Vakuf building built next to the mosque in Gacko was substantially damaged.
- 198. The mosque in Fazlagic Kula near Gacko as well as the entire village were completely destroyed. A vast number of Muslims from this area were murdered or taken to concentration camps.
- 199. The mosque in Kljuc near Gacko was seriously damaged by Chetniks.
- 200. The mosque in Bileca was first damaged by explosives, then set ablaze. After that, the Yugo-Army reservists hit it with bombs and infantry weapons.
- 201. Explosive devices were placed by Chetniks in the mosque in Polje (Bileca).
- 202. The mosque in Capljina was substantially damaged as well as the Islamic Community building and Imam's flat by shelling over a period of several months.
- 203. The mosque in Pocitelj was heavily damaged.
- 204. The same happened with the Medrese in Pocitelj. 205. Ferhat-Pasha mosque in Banja Luka was substantially damaged by explosive devices and shelling.
- 206. Ferhat-Pasha turbeh in Banja Luka was heavily damaged by explosive device.
- 207. Hasan Defterdar (Arnaudija) mosque in Banja Luka was also damaged by explosive device.
- 208. The mosque in Skender Vakuf was completely destroyed, while the whole Muslim population was expelled from this region toward Jajce or Travnik.
- 209. The mosque in Bosanska Krupa, constructed at the end of the 18th century, was completely destroyed.
- 210. The mosque in Arapusa (Bosanska Krupa), the home town of Reis-ul-Ullema Hadzi Dzemaludin Causevic, was shelled.
- 211. The mosque in Bosanska Otoka near Bosanska Krupa was burnt down.
- 212. The Imam house as well as the Islamic Community building in Bosanska Krupa were burnt down. Five mosques and seven Vakuf objects were also destroyed in this region.
- 213. The mosque in Bosanski Brod was heavily damaged.
- 214. The Sultan Aziz mosque in Sijekovac (Bosanski Brod) dating from the 16th century was completely destroyed.
- 215. The newly built mosque in Donje Kolibe (Bosanski Brod) was heavily damaged by shelling. Muslims from this village were massacred.
- 216. The mosque in Omeragici near Derventa was completely destroyed.
- 217. The new mosque in Derventa was completely destroyed as well as its minaret. 218. The main mosque in Derventa was completely demolished.
- 219. The Sheikh-Omer turbeh in Derventa was destroyed.
- 220. The Imam's house as well as the building of the Islamic Community in Derventa were completely demolished.
- 221. The main mosque in Bosanski Brod built in 1820 was substantially damaged.
- 222. The mosque in Srednje dzemat (Bosanski Novi), 1883, was heavily damaged.
- 223. The mosque in Vidorija dzemat (Bosanski Novi), 1870, known for its most beautiful minaret and designed with an open gallery, was damaged.
- 224. The mosque in Bosanska Kostajnica was damaged.
- 225. The mosque in Bosanska Dubica was damaged.
- 226. The mosque in Bratunac used as dormitory by Chetniks was destroyed. Also, a great number of Muslims were killed in the mosque.
- 227. The mosque in Glogova village near Bratunac was burnt down in May, 1992.
- 228. The mosque in Skelani near Srebrenica was destroyed and minaret was pulled to the Orthodox church in the same village. Another mosque was also burnt down in this village.
- 229. The mosque in Vrbanjci dzemat (Kotor Varos) was burnt down.
- 230. The mosque in Hrvacani (Kotor Varos) was levelled to the ground as well as the entire village.
- 231. The mosque in Vecici village (Kotor Varos) was completely destroyed during shelling by the aggressors for several days.
- 232. The main mosque in Konjic was shelled several times and substantially damaged. Graves and old nishans were also damaged.
- 233. The Old mosque in Kozarac (Prijedor), as well as the complex of tombstones, was levelled to the ground.
- 234. The main mosque in Deri Kozarac settlement (Prijedor) was completely levelled to the ground.
- 235. The Sarena mosque in Mutnica-Kozarac (Prijedor) was also completely devastated.
- 236. The mosque in Kamicani (Prijedor) was demolished.
- 237. The mosque in Kalate village (Prijedor) was devastated.
- 238. The mosque in Kozarusa near Prijedor was destroyed.
- 239. The mosque in Mujkanovici (Prijedor) was levelled to the ground.
- 240. The mosque in Brdjani (Prijedor) does not exist any more.
- 241. The mosque in Jakupovici near Prijedor was completely destroyed.
- 242. The newly built mosque in Kevljani (Prijedor) was turned to ruins.
- 243. The Mesdzid in Hrustici village (Prijedor) was burnt down.
- 244. The Mesdzid in Alici village (Prijedor) was burnt down.
- 245. The Mesdzid in Srednji Jakupovici (Prijedor) was burnt down.
- 246. The Mesdzid in Softici village (Prijedor) was burnt down.
- 247. The Mesdzid in Mahmuljini village (Prijedor) was burnt down.
- 248. The Mekteb in Kozarusa, Prijedor, was completely burnt down.
- 249. The Sviracka mosque constructed in the 18th century (Gradacac) was destroyed by tank and other missiles.
- 250. The building of the old Medrese in Gradacac, constructed in the 18th century, was subjected to great destruction.
- 251. The Husein Kapetan Gradascevic mosque (Husejnija) in Gradacac with monumental roof from 1826 was seriously damaged.
- 252. The Murat Kapetan Medrese building (Muradija) in Gradacac constructed in 1812/1821 was heavily damaged.
- 253. The Bukovacka mosque in Gradacac was completely destroyed.
- 254. Bey (New) mosque in Gradacac was also destroyed.
- 255. The mosque in Okanovci (Gradacac) was destroyed by shelling in August, 1992.
- 256. The Moslem library near Husejnija mosque in Gradacac was burnt down. There were significant holdings of manuscripts and deeds in Oriental languages.
- 257. The white mosque in the center of Brcko was turned into a "cafe" by Chetniks.
- 258. The new monumental roof of the mosque in Brcko was seriously destroyed by many missiles.
- 259. The new mosque in Dizdarusa (Brcko) was substantially damaged.
- 260. The mosque in Celinci (Brcko) was completely destroyed.
- 261. All three mosques in Koraj (Brcko) were completely destroyed.
- 262. The Imperial mosque in Sarajevo, constructed in 1565 and restored two years ago, was heavily damaged.
- 263. Gazi-Husrev Bey library in Sarajevo, the most famous one in Europe for its manuscripts, was shelled by the aggressor several times and heavily damaged.
- 264. Monumental tombstones and nishans around the Imperial mosque (Sarajevo) were also heavily damaged and some of them completely destroyed.
- 265. Gazi Husrev-Bey (Bey) mosque in Sarajevo, built in 1530, was heavily damaged, especially dome and minaret. It was hit by more than 60 missiles.
- 266. The Gazi Husrev-Bey Turbeh (Sarajevo) was heavily damaged.
- 267. The Murat Bey Turbeh was also heavily damaged.
- 268. The Ali Pasha mosque in Sarajevo, constructed in 1560, was heavily damaged, especially the dome.
- 269. Havadza Durak mosque (Bashcharshi) in Sarajevo (16th century) was damaged by many missiles.
- 270. Gazi-Husrev Bey hanikah was also substantially damaged.
- 271. The Kursumlija Medrese (Sarajevo) built in 1537 was damaged by several grenades.
- 272. The Faculty of Islamic science and the Ghazi Husrev Bey Medrese in Sarajevo were heavily damaged.
- 273. Cekrcina mosque in Sarajevo, 1526, suffered substantial damages as well as other buildings in the very center of the Old town.
- 274. Ferhat-Bey mosque (Ferhadija), Sarajevo, built in 1561, was also damaged by shelling.
- 275. Hadzi-Osman Mesdzid (Tabacki), Sarajevo, built in 1591, was completely burnt down.
- 276. Cobanija mosque in Sarajevo was damaged.
- 277. Dzino-zade Mosque (Dzanic's mosque) at Asikovac in Sarajevo, built in the 17th century, was hit by several missiles.
- 278. Dajanli Hadzi-Ibrahim mosque at Gorica, Sarajevo, dating from the 17th century, was also damaged at the beginning of the aggression against Sarajevo.
- 279. Hadzi-Sinan Tekky in Sarajevo, one of the spiritual and intellectual centers of Sarajevo, was substantially damaged.
- 280. Divan-Kjatib Hajdar mosque (The White Mosque) at Vratnik was damaged by missiles during the aggression against Sarajevo.
- 281. Gazgani Hadzi-Ali Mesdzid at Sirokaca, Sarajevo, dating from 1561, was damaged in the artillery attack on the residential zone of the Old Town.
- 282. The nishans in the Bey mosque were damaged. The nishans of Reis-ul-Ullema Causevic were also damaged.
- 283. The Seikh Magribi mosque (Magribija) in Sarajevo, constructed in the 15th century, is one of the most significant Islamic architectural objects. This mosque and its minaret were destroyed at the end of May, 1992.
- 284. Ivakov Hadzi-Mehmed Mesdzid (1528 and 1540) in Sarajevo was devastated on June 12, 1992.
- 285. Ijdidzik Sinan Mosque at Sirokaca constructed before 1562 was devastated during shelling of this part of Sarajevo on May 19 and 20, 1992.
- 286. The mosque at Grivici (Hadzici near Sarajevo) was devastated and many nishans were damaged.
- 287. The mosque in Hrasno (Sarajevo) was damaged in several places. It was damaged even before the war by an explosive device.
- 288. The Sheriat Law School in Sarajevo (1887) was damaged, especially the atrium and facade designed in the Moorish style.
- 289. The Sarac Ali Mosque at Vrbanjusa, Sarajevo, built in 1892/93, was exposed to artillery fire several times.
- 290. The new mosque at Kobilja Glava in Sarajevo with characteristic minaret was destroyed by twenty tank missiles and a vast number of grenades on September 2, 1992.
- 291. The mosque in Svrake near Vogosca (Sarajevo) was devastated on May 2, 1992.
- 292. The mosque in Ugorsko (Vogosca near Sarajevo) was shelled several times. The heaviest shelling occurred on September 1, 1992, when it was destroyed.
- 293. The mosque in Hrasnica, Sarajevo, was heavily damaged by a vast number of grenades fired from all available heavy artillery.
- 294. The mosque in Sokolje (Sarajevo) was shelled by various weapons several times.
- 295. The mosque in Buljakov Potok, Sarajevo, was substantially damaged.
- 296. The mosque in Brijesce in Sarajevo, opened in 1991.
- 297. The new domed mosque in Butmir, Sarajevo, was damaged to such extent that it cannot serve its purpose.
- 298. The new mosque in Kotorac near Sarajevo was set on fire by Chetniks.
- 299. The Sheikh Feruh Mosque (Abdesthana) in Sarajevo, built in 1541, was heavily damaged by grenades.
- 300. Hadzi Ihnan-aga Topalovic Mosque ( Lubo Mosque) in Sarajevo, built in 1525, was heavily damaged.
- 301. Sinan Voivoda Hatun Mosque at Vratnik-Mejdan in Sarajevo, 1552, known as "under-the-walnut-mosque", was damaged.
- 302. Kasap-zade Mosque at Vratnik (Sarajevo) was damaged.
- 303. Mokrica Hadzi Sinan Mesdzid at Vratnik (Sarajevo) was damaged.
- 304. Hadzi-Ibrahim Kasapovic Mesdzid at Vratnik (Sarajevo), dating from the 16th century, was shelled.
- 305. The mosque at Svrakino selo (Sarajevo) was heavily damaged.
- 306. The mosque at Komatin (Sarajevo) was damaged.
- 307. Kulin Bali mosque (Cakalusa) in Sarajevo was substantially damaged at the end of August.
- 308. The Clock Tower near Bey mosque (Sarajevo) was damaged.
- 309. The mosque at Nedzarici (Sarajevo) was substantially damaged.
- 310. The mosque at Kovaci (Sarajevo) was heavily damaged.
- 311. The newly built mosque at Sokolovic Kolonija (Sarajevo) was devastated.
- 312. The mosque at Breka (Sarajevo) was completely destroyed.
- 313. The Residence of Reis-ul-Ullema was substantially damaged as well as the whole building of Riyaset of the Islamic Community on August 29, 1992. On that day an assassination attempt was made on the superior of the Islamic Community. On that occasion Reis- ul-Ullema was wounded as well as some of his associates while five person were killed. One of the killed was Nijaz Sukric, professor at the Faculty of Islamic science in Sarajevo.
- 314. 5 Vakuf apartments in the building of Riyaset of the Islamic Community (Sarajevo) were damaged by tank grenades.
- 315. The Meshihat of the Islamic Community (Sarajevo) was shelled by five grenades.
- 316. The building of the Islamic Community (Sarajevo) was damaged.
- 317. The building of Gazi Husrev Bey Vakuf in Sarajevo was damaged.
- 318. Gazi Husrev Bey Mekteb in Sarajevo was substantially damaged. One of the officials in this Vakuf was killed and two were wounded.
- 319. In Sarajevo more than 100 Vakuf buildings were damaged out of which 1/3 were completely destroyed. Flats of Imam, professors in the Gazi-Husrev Bey Medrese and at the Faculty of Islamic Community as well as officials in other institutions to the Islamic Community were heavily damaged.
- 320. Tekky mosque in Konjic was shelled.
- 321. Prkanjska mosque (Konjic) was also shelled.
- 322. Vardacka mosque (Konjic) was shelled by the aggressor.
- 323. Repovacka Mosque with minarets on its left side, restored in 1990, and the only one located on the right bank of the Neretva river in Konjic, was substantially damaged by shelling.
- 324. The Konjic Medrese with the residential complex, Mekteb and the offices of the Islamic Community were damaged.
- 325. The mosque in Bjelimici (Konjic) was heavily damaged.
- 326. The new mosque in Glavicine (Konjic) was heavily damaged by artillery.
- 327. The mosque in Gracanica near Doboj was destroyed in attacks by the Chetniks from Ozren on this town.
- 328. The mosque in Bosansko Suho Polje near Doboj was shelled. During Ramadan, before the aggression against the Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Chetniks fired several shells at the mosque while the people were performing their prayers there.
- 329. The mosque in Divicani (Jajce) was damaged by artillery.
- 330. The mosque in Medjedja (Gradacac) was seriously damaged during the shelling of the Muslim settlements in this region.
- 331. The mosque in Zelinja Gornja (Gradacac) was seriously damaged.
- 332. The mosque in Zelinja Donja (Gradacac) was also damaged by shelling.
- 333. The mosque in Ledenica Dzemat (Gradacac) was shelled.
- 334. The mosque in Krcevine (Gradacac) has is considerably damaged.
- 335. The mosque in Omeragici near Gradacac was substantially damaged.
- 336. The mosque in Mionica near Gradacac was shelled by heavy artillery.
- 337. The mosque in Lukavac Dzemat (Gradacac) was heavily damaged.
- 338. The aggressor shelled the local mosque in Rajska Dzemat (Gradacac).
- 339. The same thing happened to the mosque in Vuckovci near Gradacac.
- 340. The mosque in Orasje on the Sava river was seriously damaged.
- 341. The mosque in Klisa dzemat near Zvornik was devastated.
While we were collecting the stated data the aggressor kept on attacking many a.m. mosques, so that their condition is even worse than we stated in the these notes. We shall be able to present final data upon completion of the war after we visit the areas and get valid information of what happened there. In this list we could not treat the areas from which we were not able to get any data because of information and communication blockades.
We shall do our best to collect necessary data from those areas. According to our present estimates, more than 500 mosques and mesdzids were heavily damaged and 30% of these were completely destroyed.
Sarajevo, September 10, 1992
Bulletin 2
State Commission for Gathering Facts on War Crimes in the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina Bulletin no. 2 Sarajevo, February, 1993 TR version) Art. 2.3
Church complexes (churches, parochial residences, and monasteries) damaged or destroyed in the territory of Vrhbosna Archbishopric by October 27, 1992.
I. The following church complexes have been damaged in Sarajevo:
- 1) The Cathedral, built in 1889 - windows and stained-glass windows heavily damaged; copper roof riddled with shots; stone facade damaged by shell fragments.
- 2) The Church of St. Cyril and Method, built in 1896 - windows broken and dome and wall directly hit by shells.
- 3) Building of the Vrhbosna Theological Seminary, built in 1893 - windows broken and facade damaged by shells falling in its vicinity. The roof above library directly hit by shell.
- 4) The Church of the Queen of Rosary at Banjski Brijeg, built in 1910 in Baroque style - roof directly hit by several shells.
- 5) St. Vincent's Church, built in 1883 - directly hit by several shells and almost completely destroyed. Three paintings by Gabrijel Jurkic and church-organ destroyed. Altar and the interior of the church heavily damaged. Repair of the destroyed roof is not possible under present conditions.
- 6) St. Joseph's Church at Marijin Dvor, built in 1939 - roof of the church directly hit by several shells and heavily damaged. Stained-glass windows painted by Latkovic, clock and bell in the tower as well as the church door and facade damaged.
- 7) The Monastery and the Church of St. Anthony at Bistrik, built in 1912/4 - both church and monastery damaged by shelling.
- 8) The Church of Mary's Assumption at Stup, built in 1890/2 - hit by shells and completely burnt down.
- 9) St. Ignatius Parochial Center at Grbavica, established in 1979 - windows broken and facade damaged by detonations and infantry weapons. It is located in the area occupied by the Serbian Army.
- 10) The Franciscan Theology building in Nedzarici, built in 1968 - the aggressor <vandalized> both the building and property (paintings, library, other valuables).
- 11) The Convent of the Franciscan Sisters of the Herzegovinian Province in Capajeva Street - roof and apartments on the upper floor damaged by shell.
- 12) The Convent of Sisters Servants of Infant Jesus in Prijedorska Street - hit by shell so that the sisters had to leave.
- 13) The Ordinariate of Vrhbosna Archbishopric, built in 1895 - roof and facade damaged and windows broken by shell which fell in the yard.
- 14) The Cathedral Parochial home - the first floor hit and heavily damaged by shell fired from multi-rocket launcher.
- 15) The Parochial Church of Holy Trinity in Novo Sarajevo - directly hit by several shells; parochial home also heavily damaged.
- 16) The Parochial residence at Marijin Dvor - heavily damaged by shells falling in its vicinity.
- 17) The newly built Provincial home of Sisters Servants of Infant Jesus in Ljubljanska Street - occupied.
- 18) The Parochial Church of St. Joseph in Pale, built in 1911 - this is located in the occupied area and its fate is not known.
- 19) The Convent of Sisters of Mercy in Dobrinjska Street in Ilidza - burnt down.
- 20) The residence of Franciscan Sisters in Ilidza - occupied.
- II. Deanery in the Bugojno district:
- 21) Suho Polje - The Church of Mary's Assumption, built in 1884 - hit by tank missiles several times; tower and parochial home damaged.
- 22) Rasticevo - The Church of St. Anthony, built in 1927 - burnt down along with the parochial home.
- 23) Otinovci - The Church of St. John the Baptist, built in 1912 - damaged, no data on the extent of damage.
- 24) Kupres - The Church of St. Family, built in 1969 - there is no data on possible damage.
- 25) Bugojno - The Church of St. Anthony, built in 1879 - directly hit several times and the tower burnt down.
- 26) Donji Vakuf - The Filial Church - destroyed.
- 27) Dobretici - The Newly built Parochial Church of St. Anthony and parochial home - hit by missiles and destroyed.
- 28) Podmilacje - The Parochial Church of St. John the Baptist, built in 1912, with its enclosed 15th-century church, as well as the whole shrine of St. John the Baptist - heavily hit by missiles. The extent of damage is not known.
- III. Deanery in the Travnik District:
- 29) Turbe - The Church of St. Joseph - heavily damaged, and parochial home looted and damaged.
- 30) Podkraj - The Church of St. Ann, built in 1914 - directly hit by several shells and heavily damaged. Parochial home and catechism building also heavily damaged by direct hits.
- 31) Koricani - The Parochial Church of St. Elias the Prophet, built in 1935, occupied and its fate unknown.
- IV. Deanery in the Derventa District:
- 32) Bijelo Brdo - The Parochial Church of St. John the Baptist, built in 1941 - blown up intentionally and completely destroyed. The fate of the parochial residence is not known.
- 33) Bosanski Brod - The Church of St. Elias the Prophet, built in 1908 - damaged by direct hits and subsequently occupied along with the parochial home and the Home of Sisters Servants of Infant Jesus. What transpired after the occupation is unknown. On October 27, we were informed that the Parochial Church was leveled by dynamite.
- 34) Brusnica - The Church of the Birth of Blessed Virgin Mary, built in 1970 - both church and parochial home probably destroyed.
- 35) Derventa - The Church of St. George, built some twenty years ago - the tower and the whole church heavily damaged by bombardment before the occupation; Parochial home, Home of Sisters of Mercy of St. Vincent Paulus and Home of Sisters Daughters of God Love damaged. Situation after occupation is unknown.
- 36) Kolibe - The newly built Church of St. Michael the Archangel - suffered serious damage outside and completely demolished inside. The altar was set on fire and the Holy Sacrament desecrated. Parochial home destroyed and demolished. It is not known what remains after occupation.
- 37) Korace - The Church of the Assumption of Blessed Virgin Mary, built in 1938 - heavily damaged, especially mosaics. At present, it is not known what happened to it after occupation.
- 38) Novo Selo - The Church of Holy Heart of Jesus, built in 1926 - roof and nave of the church damaged by direct hits. Parochial residence also directly hit and damaged. It is not known what happened after occupation.
- 39) Plehan - The Church and Monastery of St. Mark the Evangelist, built in 1902 - completely destroyed and burnt down together with all its contents. The Franciscan Monastery probably burnt down, too.
- 40) Zheravac - The new Filial Church in Vrela - completely destroyed. Zheravac - The Parochial Church of St. Francis of Assisi, built in 1964 - damaged during the war. Fate after the occupation unknown.
- 41) Veliki Prnjavor - Socnica - The Church of St. Anthony, built in 1972 - destroyed. Extent of damage to the parochial residence unknown.
- 42) Cer - The Church of Christ the King, newly built parochial church - according to the information, completely destroyed along with its parochial home.
- 43) Foca - The Church under construction - according to the information obtained so far, completely destroyed along with its parochial home.
- 44) Sijekovac - Mocile - The new Parochial Church - slightly damaged before occupation, fate after occupation unknown.
- 45) Bukovica - The Parochial Church of St. Anthony, built in 1965 - damaged during the war, but it is not known what happened to the church and parochial home after occupation.
- 46) Kulina - The Parochial Church of St. Peter and Paul, built in 1974 - according to the available information, burnt down and destroyed along with the parochial home.
- V. Deanery in the Usora District:
- 47) Doboj - The Church of Holy Heart of Jesus, built in 1910 - burnt down in bombardment along with part of the parochial home. The Serbian terrorists entered the Convent of Servants of Infant Jesus and completely demolished the interior; filial churches in Prisade and Makljenovace also destroyed.
- 48) Sivsa - The Church of St. Anthony, built in 1938 - damaged, but we do not know to what extent.
- 49) Zhabljak - The Parochial Church of St. Ann, built in 1926 - according to B&H radio news, hit by missiles, but it is not known to what extent.
- 50) Bezhlja - The Church of the Birth of Blessed Virgin Mary, built in 1887 - destroyed along with parochial home.
- 51) Teslic - The Church of St. Joseph, built in 1934 - demolished and desecrated; parochial home damaged.
- 52) Komusina - The Shrine of Our Lady - occupied, as has been the votive chapel in Kondzila. It is not possible to find out the extent of damage.
- 53) The Parochial Church in Gornja Komusina - occupied. We do not know what happened to it and the parochial home.
- VI. Deanery in the Brcko District:
- 54) Brcko - The Church of Holy Heart of Jesus, built in 1934 tower and roof hit by shells; windows of the parochial home broken by detonations.
- 55) Gorice - The Church of St. Anthony the Hermit, built in 1912 - tower and roof hit by shells; parochial home demolished.
- 56) Ulice - The Church of the Birth of Blessed Virgin Mary, built in 1969 - hit by shells; the extent of damage is not known.
- 57) Dubrave - The Church of Mary's Immaculate Conception, built in 1927 - damaged, but it is not known to what extent.
- 58) Krepsic - The newly built Church of the Queen of Rosary - the village is occupied so the extent of damage is not known.
- 59) Bijeljina - The Parochial Church of Holy Heart of Mary, built in 1914 - it is located in the occupied area so it is not known if the church and parochial home still exist.
- VII. Deanery in the Doboj District:
- 60) Cardak - The Church of Our Lady of Agony, built in 1918 - heavily damaged by shells as well as parochial home and Convent of Sisters Servants of Infant Jesus. After occupation, it was again hit by missiles and was on fire.
- 61) Odzak - The Church of St. John the Baptist's Assassination, built in 1913 - after occupation TV showed that everything is destroyed including the parochial home.
- 62) Posavska Mahala - The newly built but unordained Church - tower damaged by bombardment. According to reports of witnesses there is no church left after occupation.
- 63) Prud - The unfinished Church - the extent of damage caused by bombardment, or whether it even still exists, is not known.
- 64) Modrica - The Parochial Church of the Birth of Blessed Virgin Mary, built in 1889 and reconstructed in 1973 - burnt down and completely destroyed along with its parochial residence.
- 65) The newly built Filial Church in Rijecani, Modrica parish - also heavily damaged.
- 66) Garevac - The Church of Mary the Mother of Church, built twenty years ago - according to reports, set on fire and destroyed.
- 67) Gornja Dubica - The Parochial Church of St. Joseph, built in 1857 - heavily damaged by several shells.
- 68) Donji Svilaj - The newly built Church (1972) and parochial home - leveled by dynamite on July 16, 1992.
- 69) Pecnik - The Parochial Church of St. Alois, built in 1896 - completely destroyed by dynamite It is not known what happened to the parochial home.
- 70) Donja Tramosnica - The Parochial Church of St. John the Baptist, newly built - the parish occupied and the church and parochial home probably damaged if they still exist at all.
- 71) Gradacac - The Parochial Church of St. Mark, built in 1888 - damaged by direct hit as was the old parochial residence and one under construction.
- 72) Potocani - The newly built Church of St. Anthony of Padua - parochial church and filial churches in Lipik, Srnava and Drenovac as well as parochial home destroyed.
- 73) Srednja Slatina - The Parochial Church of St. Francis of Assisi, built in 1972 - the parish occupied and it is not known what happened to the church complex.
- 74) Gornja Tremosnica - The Church of Our Lady of Angels, built in 1888. Besieged; the extent of damage is not known.
- 75) Turic - The Parochial Church of St. Elias the Prophet, built in 1970 - heavily damaged during the war, there is no information on its present situation.
- VIII. Deanery in the Samac District:
- 76) Bosanski Samac - The Church of Holy Heart of Jesus, built in 1926 - there is no information on possible damage to this church, parochial home and filial church in Zasavica.
- 77) Hrvatska Tisina - The unfinished Church of the Maternity of Blessed Virgin Mary - hit by several shells. The extent of damage shall be determined subsequently.
- 78) Vidovice - The old Church of St. Vitus, built in 1928, and new unfinished one - both churches shelled and completely destroyed along with the parochial residence.
- 79) Ostra Luka-Bok - The Filial Church under construction - hit and damaged by shell. The Parochial Church of the Name of Mary, built in 1970, and parochial residence damaged by shells falling in their vicinity.
- 80) Domaljevac - The newly built Church of St. Ann - hit by several shells. Parochial residence also substantially damaged.
- 81) Kopanica - The newly built Parochial Church of St. Michael the Archangel - hit by missiles and damaged during the war. What happened to it and the parochial residence after occupation is unknown.
- 82) Tolisa - The Parochial and Monastic Church of Mary's Assumption, built in 1883 - directly hit, but only slightly damaged. The Monastery also damaged as well as Filial Churches in Mahala and Ugljara.
- IX. Deanery in the Zhepa District:
- 83) Maglaj - The newly built Shrine of St. Leopold Mandic heavily damaged by direct hits as were the parochial home and Home of Sisters Servants of Infant Jesus.
- 84) Lovnica - The newly built Parochial Church - it is located in the occupied area so that it is not known what happened to it.
This document includes churches, parochial residences and monasteries damaged so far. Due to the war conditions it is not possible to evaluate the extent of damage. This document does not include everything damaged and destroyed, especially graveyards and filial churches.
Some areas which cannot be reached are not stated herein either.
Sarajevo, February, 1993
Bulletin 3
State Commission for Gathering Facts on War Crimes in the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina Bulletin no. 3 Sarajevo, March, 1993, (TR version) Art. 3.4
- 342. The Ferhadija (Charshi) Mosque in Tesanj, the oldest one in this region, constructed in the 16th century, heavily damaged by shelling on September 24, 1992.
- 343. The Mosque in Lepenica, Tesanj, built a year ago, heavily damaged by shelling from the aggressor posts.
- 344. The Mosque in Miljanovci near Tesanj heavily damaged and shelled by Chetniks.
- 345. The Charshi Mosque in Brcko was turned into a "cafe". Aggressor committed there the most disgusting bestialities after which they leveled it.
- 346. The Mosque in Dizdarusa near Brcko destroyed in September.
- 347. The Mosque in Gornji Rahic near Brcko demolished by the aggressor and the minaret leveled.
- 348. The Charshi Mosque in Prijedor set on fire on May 30, then destroyed; material taken away and a park planned at its location.
- 349. The Vakuf building together with the residence of the chief Imam in Prijedor, member of the Riyaset of the Islamic Community, library, Islamic Community offices and other premises set on fire, destroyed by bulldozers and material taken away. Chetniks took the chief Imam to the concentration camp in Trnopolje near Prijedor, then to Omarska and finally to Manjaca near Banja Luka.
- 350. The Mosque in Zagrad, Prijedor, destroyed and leveled.
- 351. The Mosque in Stari Grad, Prijedor, destroyed and leveled.
- 352. The Mosque in Cela dzemat, Prijedor, set on fire. Before that, Chetniks did not allow the mosque to be used.
- 353. The Mosque in Alisici near Prijedor destroyed.
- 354. The Mosque in Brizicani near Prijedor destroyed.
- 355. The Mosque in Zecovi, Prijedor, destroyed and Rasim Ceman, the Imam, taken to unknown destination. In the five months since, nothing has been heard of him.
- 356. The Mosque in Carakovo near Prijedor destroyed.
- 357. The Mosque in Hanbarine near Prijedor destroyed.
- 358. The Mosque in Rizvanovici near Prijedor destroyed.
- 359. The Mosque in Rakovcani near Prijedor destroyed.
- 360. The Mosque in Biscani near Prijedor destroyed.
- 361. The Mosque in Cejreci near Prijedor destroyed.
- 362. The Mosque in Gornja Puharska near Prijedor also destroyed.
- 363. he Mosque in Donja Puharska near Prijedor leveled by explosive.
- 364. The Vakuf building with Imam's residence in Donja Puharska destroyed. The same happened to all other complexes of the Islamic Community in that region.
- 365. The Mosque in Ljubija near Prijedor destroyed and Hasan Beslija, the Imam, taken to unknown destination. His fate is unknown.
- 366. Both Mosques, the only ones in the Skender Vakuf region, destroyed.
- 367. The Ali-Pasha Rizvanbegovic Mosque (1812) heavily damaged.
- 368. The old "Hajrija" Mosque in Vlasenica completely destroyed.
- 369. The Bakaric Mosque in Sarajevo damaged and minaret destroyed by guided missile on October 20, 1992.
- 370. The Donjacka Mosque in Derventa destroyed.
- 371. In Borovnica (Zavidovici), the minaret destroyed and the building damaged.
- 372. Imam's residence in Osjecani (Zavidovici) heavily damaged.
- 373. The Mosque in Osjecani (Zavidovici) also heavily damaged.
- 374. The Mosque in Vozuca heavily damaged.
- 375. The Mosque in Rujnica dzemat (Zavidovici) heavily damaged.
- 376. The Charshi Mosque in Zavidovici heavily damaged.
- 377. The Mosque in Staro Sipovo leveled. 378. The Mosque in Besnjevo near Sipovo destroyed.
- 379. The local mesdzid in Volari destroyed.
- 380. Four Vakuf buildings in the Sipovo region set on fire.
- 381. The Mosque in Gornji Tarevci near Modrica destroyed as well as the Mosque in Donji Tarevci.
- 382. The Mosque in Islam Varos near Modrica destroyed.
- 383. The Mosque in Modrica Lug (Modrica) also destroyed.
- 384. The Mosque in Jakes near Modrica destroyed by the aggressor.
- 385. The mesdzid in that village also destroyed.
- 386. All Vakuf buildings in the Modrica region looted and destroyed or set on fire afterwards.
- 387. The Mosque in Hanifici (Kotor Varos) set on fire together with 43 members of dzemat in it. Imam was ordered to dig the grave for them after which he was also killed. This Mosque was built in 1990.
- 388. The Mosque in Donja Varos - Kotor Varos destroyed.
- 389. The same happened to the Charshi Mosque in that town.
- 390. The newly built, not opened Mosque in Vecici (Kotor Varos) destroyed.
- 391. The same happened to an older Mosque in another part of that village.
- 392. Thirteen Imam houses and seven Vakuf buildings in the Kotor Varos Commune set on fire or completely destroyed.
- 393. The Mosque in Kotor (Kotor Varos) set on fire.
- 394. The Mosque in Ravne dzemat (Kotor Varos) destroyed.
- 395. The Mosque in Vranic dzemat (Kotor Varos) set on fire by the aggressor.
- 396. The Mosque in Hadrovci (Kotor Varos) damaged.
- 397. The Mosque in Garici dzemat (Kotor Varos) destroyed.
- 398. The same happened to the Mosque in Siprage dzemat (Kotor Varos).
- 399. Very beautiful Mosque in Olovo destroyed in the violent destruction of that pleasant and heroic Bosnian town.
- 400. Minaret of the Sinan-Pasha Mosque in Gorazhde completely destroyed, and dome and roof heavily damaged in the attack of the aggressor artillery on that historic Bosnian town.
- 401. The Mosque under construction in the Vranica settlement (Gorazhde) destroyed.
- 402. The Mosque in Resetnica settlement (Gorazhde) substantially damaged.
- 403. The Mosque in Ilovaca settlement (Gorazhde) heavily damaged and mihrab completely destroyed.
- 404. The Mosque in Osjecani settlement (Gorazhde) completely burnt down together with all its contents and appurtenances.
- 405. Imam's residence in Osjecani (Gorazhde) and all equipment in it completely burnt down.
- 406. Imam's residence in Ustipraca (Gorazhde) completely burnt down as well as all equipment in it.
- 407. Mekteb with Imam's residence in Obarak settlement (Gorazhde) destroyed.
- 408. The Mosque in Jabuka (Foca) and its Mekteb cannot serve its purpose due to the substantial damage.
- 409. The Mosque in Kratine near Foca cannot serve its purpose due to the substantial damage.
- 410. The Mosque in Izbisan (Foca), reconstructed in 1990, destroyed.
- 411. The Mosque in Sadici (Foca) set on fire.
- 412. Mekteb and Imam's residence in Popov Most (Foca) completely burnt down.
- 413. The Mosque in Vikoc (Foca) set on fire.
- 414. The Mosque in Godijevno dzemat (Foca) set on fire. Mekteb, abdeshana and gasulhana completely burnt down.
- 415. Imam's residence also burnt down in Godijevno.
- 416. Mekteb in Borovnici village (Foca) burnt down.
- 417. Mesdzid in Suljci village (Foca) burnt down.
- 418. Mesdzid in Susjesno village (Foca) burnt down.
- 419. The central Mekteb in Foca destroyed.
- 420. The Ali-Cohodor Mosque in Foca destroyed in April, 1992.
- 421. Mekteb and Imam's residence in the Cohodor mahala in Foca completely burnt down.
- 422. Mekteb and Abdeshana near the Musluk Mosque in Foca leveled in April, 1992.
- 423. The Mosque in Dedovici dzemat (Rogatica) set on fire in mid-August, 1992.
- 424. The Mosque in Kovanj dzemat (Rogatica) set on fire.
- 425. The newly built Mosque in Godimlje dzemat near Rogatica set on fire.
- 426. The Mosque in Dobrak dzemat near Srebrenica destroyed.
- 427. The Mosque in Lijesce dzemat (Srebrenica) destroyed.
- 428. The Mosque in Daljegosta near Srebrenica leveled.
- 429. The Mosque in Osatnica (Srebrenica) damaged by shells fired from Serbia.
- 430. The Mosque in Tokoljaci (Srebrenica) damaged.
- 431. The Mosque on Vidikovac in Srebrenica heavily damaged on August 8, 1992.
- 432. The local Mosque in Potocari near Srebrenica substantially damaged.
- 433. The Mosque in Osmace dzemat near Srebrenica damaged.
- 434. The Mosque in Luka dzemat (Srebrenica) damaged.
- 435. The Mosque in Suceska dzemat near Srebrenica damaged.
- 436. The Mosque in Klotijevac village (Srebrenica) damaged by shells launched from Serbia.
- 437. Mekteb in Pribidoli (Srebrenica) burnt down.
- 438. The newly built Mosque in Pribidoli also burnt down.
- 439. The Mosque in Slapovici (Srebrenica) heavily damaged.
- 440. Two Mosques, Both the new and old ne, in Pec (Srebrenica) destroyed.
- 441. The Mosque in Trubari dzemat (Srebrenica) burnt down.
- 442. The Mosque in Sase (Srebrenica) destroyed.
- 443. Mekteb and mesdzid in Karacici (Srebrenica) damaged during the artillery attacks on that place.
- 444. All other mektebi, Imam's residences and other Vakuf complexes in the Srebrenica region substantially damaged and cannot serve their purpose.
- 445. The Jusuf-Pasha Mosque in Maglaj heavily damaged. It is considered to be one of the seven most beautiful mosques in Balkans. Its minaret, the most beautiful one in Balkans, also damaged during the siege and artillery attack on this town. The interior of this mosque is one of the most spacious among all domed mosques in our country. The Prince of Savoy had only demolished its sofas; the Chetniks have tried everything to level it entirely.
- 446. The Fazli-Pasha Mosque with wooden minaret substantially damaged (Maglaj).
- 447. The Sukija Mosque in Maglaj with wooden minaret and magnificent wooden door with carved ornaments heavily damaged.
- 448. Four Vakuf buildings in Maglaj completely damaged.
- 449. The Mosque in Ulisnjak near Maglaj destroyed.
- 450. The domed Donja Mosque in Lukavac dzemat near Gradacac, constructed in 1990, destroyed.
- 451. The Zvizdic Mosque in Gacko, 17th century, leveled.
- 452. Minaret in Kazanci (Gacko), 16th century, destroyed.
- 453. All three Mosques in Bosanska Otoka (Bosanska Krupa) destroyed.
- 454. The Mosque in Dubovka (B. Krupa) destroyed.
- 455. The Mosque in Arapusa (B. Krupa) leveled.
- 456. The Mosque in Babici (B. Krupa) leveled.
- 457. The Mosque in Klisa (B. Krupa) demolished.
- 458. The Mosque in Besici (B. Krupa) set on fire by Chetniks at the beginning of October.
- 459. The Mosque in Golubici (Bihac) destroyed.
- 460. The Mosque in Jezero dzemat (Bihac) leveled.
- 461. The Mosque in Srbljani near Bihac destroyed.
- 462. The Mosque in Cekrlije near Bihac destroyed.
- 463. The Mosque in Veliko Zalozhje near Bihac destroyed.
- 464. The Mosque in Vinica (Bihac) destroyed.
- 465. The Mosque in Pokoj (Bihac) destroyed by Chetniks.
- 466. The Mosque in Baksais (Bihac) destroyed.
- 467. The Prekounjska Mosque in Bihac heavily damaged.
- 468. The Mosque in Kulen Vakuf (Bihac) destroyed and the Muslim population taken to the concentration camps in Ripac and Drvar.
- 469. The Mosque in Spahici (Bihac) destroyed.
- 470. The Fethija Mosque, the oldest one in Bihac, heavily damaged.
- 471. Building of the Islamic Community in Bihac heavily damaged as well as four Vakuf buildings in that town.
- 472. The Mosque in Miostrah (Cazin) destroyed.
- 473. The Mosque in Ostrozhac (Cazin) heavily damaged.
- 474. The Mosque in Prosici (Cazin) heavily damaged.
- 475. The Mosque in Majetici near Cazin exposed to the aggressor artillery.
- 476. The Mosque in Glogovac (Cazin) also damaged.
- 477. The Mosque in Stijena near Cazin damaged.
- 478. The famous Ajvatovica doviste in Prusac near Donji Vakuf destroyed by aggressor artillery from Koprivnica.
- 479. Twenty harems (graveyards) in Prusac destroyed by heavy shelling from Chetniks' artillery of that ancient Bosnian town.
- 480. The town Mosque in Bratunac destroyed. Its Imam, Mustafa Efendija Mujkanovic, atrociously slaughtered in the presence of 500 members of the dzemat.
- 481. The Mosque in Jagodnja dzemat (Bratunac) destroyed.
- 482. The Mosque in Zapolje dzemat (Bratunac) leveled.
- 483. The Mosque in Glogova village near Bratunac destroyed.
- 484. The Mosque in Voljevica (Bratunac) also destroyed.
- 485. The Mosque in Hrncici (Bratunac) damaged.
- 486. The Mosque in Pobudje near Bratunac destroyed.
- 487. Ten Vakuf houses and Imams' residences in the Bratunac region set on fire or destroyed by the aggressor.
- 488. The Mosque in Pomol dzemat near Vlasenica destroyed.
- 489. The Mosque in Vitez damaged by extremist members of HVO (CCD).
- 490. The newly built Mosque in Ahmici near Vitez also damaged by extremist members of HVO (CCD).
Previous files discussing and listing the destruction of religious sites and objects, and the killing of religious leaders and congregations:
Art. 1.4 Destruction of Religious Objects (Islamic sites)
Art. 2.3 Documents and Facts: Destruction of Sacred Complexes (Christian sites)
Sarajevo, March, 1993.
Bulletin 4
State Commission for Gathering Facts on War Crimes in the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina Bulletin no. 4 Sarajevo, April, 1993. TR version) Art. 4.3 Documents and facts
Sacred complexes of the Serbian Orthodox Church damaged or destroyed in the territory of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina during the aggression in 1992 and 1993. The State Commission for Gathering Facts on War Crimes wrote on August 14, 1992 to (the Metropolitan of) the Dabro-Bosnian Diocese of the Serbian Orthodox Church, asking them to submit all available data on the sacred complexes of the Serbian Orthodox Church damaged and destroyed due to the aggressor and other war activities in the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Likewise, the Commission also asked the (Metropolitan) to submit data on the violations of the status of its holy officials, including murders, wounding, physical punishment, hostage-taking, or any other form of physical or psychological maltreatment.
The Dabro-Bosnian Diocese failed to respond our letter, and hence we publish in this issue of the Bulletin the data we have available on the damaged and destroyed sacred complexes of the Serbian Orthodox Church in the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
- 1. The Orthodox Church in Mostar.
- 2. The Orthodox Cathedral in Mostar, built in 1873 - burned down.
- 3. The Orthodox Cemetery and Chapel in Sarajevo - damaged.
- 4. The Metropolitan's residence in Sarajevo, built in 1898/1899 - hit and set afire by a missile. The fire destroyed the archives and library there and inflicted considerable material damage to the complex itself.
- 5. The Old Orthodox Church in Sarajevo, built in the 16th century, located in the vicinity of the Bascarsija and Cekrekcija mosques and the Sephardim synagogue. Its roof was hit by a shell launched from a Serbian (gun emplacement).
- 6. The Orthodox Church in Turbe (Travnik) was exposed to Serbian mortar fire on June 10, 1992.
- 7. Residence of the Orthodox bishop of the Tuzla and Zvornik regions in the city of Tuzla, a building of exceptional architectural and historical value - damaged by Serbian aggressors during their withdrawal from that town.
- 8. The Orthodox Church in Tuzla.
- 9. The Orthodox Church near Visoko - set afire by artillery missiles launched from the Serbian positions.
Other articles concerning the destruction of sacred complexes are:
Arts. 1.4 & 3.4 (Islamic sites) and 2.3 (Roman Catholic sites).
Sarajevo, April, 1993.
Bulletin 5
State Commission for Gathering Facts on War Crimes in the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina Bulletin no. 5 Sarajevo, August, 1993, (TR version) Art. 5.5
Note: "c" at the end of proper names is pronounced "ch"; "ci" as "chi". At the beginning or within names, pronounce "c" as "tsch". Unless otherwise noted, "s" in names is pronounced "sch".
Sacred complexes of the Islamic community damaged or destroyed in the territory of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina during the aggression 1992/93 (Part III)
- dzemat - local Muslim community
- mesdzid - Muslim place of worship
- turbe - Muslim vault
- Serefet - Balcony on the minaret <scherefet>
- vakuf - Islamic endowment institution
- mekteb - Muslim religious elementary school
- mahala - Muslim quarter
- abdeshana - Premises for washing before the ritual
- gusulhana - Premises for bathing of the deceased
Note. Unless otherwise mentioned, the complexes listed are been reported to have been completely destroyed:
- 491. The mosque in Pobrizhje dzemat (Sanski Most) (blown up)
- 492. The new mosque in Husimovci (Sanski Most) destroyed by the Chetmiks
- 493. The old mosque in Kamengrad near Sanski Most
- 494. The new mosque in the same place
- 495. The mosque in Naprelje dzemat (Sanski Most) levelled
- 496. Local mosque and Imam's residence in Cirkici <Tschirkichi> (Sanski Most) destroyed by Chetniks
- 497. The mosque in Skucani Vakuf (Sanski Most) destroyed by Chetniks
- 498. The mosque in Okrec dzemat (Sanski Most)
- 499. Mesdzid in Modra dzemat (Sanski Most) does not exist any more - destroyed by the aggressor
- 500. Mesdzid in Zenkovici (Sanski Most)
- 501. The mosque in Budimlici-Japra dzemat (Sanski Most)
- 502. The mosque in Sekovci (Sanski Most)
- 503. Turbe in Trnova dzemat (Sanski Most)
- 504. The mosque with magnificant minaret ornamented with two serefet in Caplja dzemat near Sanski Most
- 505. The mosque in Tomina dzemat (Sanski Most) does not exist any more - destroyed by Chetniks
- 506. The new mosque in Hrustovo Donje (Sanski Most) does not exist any more
- 507. The old mosque in Hrustovo Gornje (Sanski Most)
- 508. The mosque in Lukavica dzemat (Sanski Most)
- 509. The new mosque in Vrhpolje near Sanski Most levelled. New Imam's residence also destroyed. The Imam of the new dzemat, Emir efendija Seferovic has been detained in camps from the beginning of the aggression. There has been no trace of him in the last three months.
- 510. Mesdzid in Novalisi dzemat near Gradacac <Gradatschats>
- 511. The mosque in Lukavac-Pekarici (Gradacac) hit with several missiles and heavily damaged
- 512. The newly erected mosque in Sibovac dzemat (Gradacac)
- 513. The mosque in Alibasici (Gradacac) heavily damaged
- 514. The mosque in Brdo (Gradacac) completely destroyed by several tank missiles
- 515. Imam's residence in Svirac (Gradacac) destroyed by direct tank missiles
- 516. The mosque in Stari Ilijas <Ilijasch> near Sarajevo destroyed by explosives
- 517. The mosque in Orahovica dzemat near Lukavac
- 518. The old mosque in Turija dzemat (Lukavac) destroyed by Chetniks
- 519. The new mosque in the same dzemat
- 520. The mosque in the village of Seona (Lukavac) levelled to the ground
- 521. The village of Dubostica near Lukavac completely burned down as well as local mosque and Imam's residence
- 522. The mosque in Puracic dzemat <Puratschich> (Lukavac) heavily damaged
- 523. Building of the Islamic Community in the same dzemat destroyed together with archives and two Imam's residences
- 524. The mosque in Lokve dzemat near Hadzici, in the vicinity of Sarajevo, set on fire by Chetniks in October, 1992
- 525. The mosque in Kijevo dzemat near Trnovo, in the vicinity of Sarajevo, heavily damaged by Chetniks
- 526. The city mosque in Bosanski Novi
- 527. The new mosque in Prekosanje dzemat (Bosanski Novi)
- 528. The mosque in Budimlici dzemat (Bosanski Novi)
- 529. The mosque in Donji Agici near Bosanski Novi
- 530. The mosque in Gornji Agici (Bosanski Novi)
- 531. The old mosque in Suhaca dzemat (Bosanski Novi) destroyed by Chetniks
- 532. The new mosque in the same place
- 533. The mosque in Hozici dzemat (Bosanski Novi) levelled
- 534. The mosque in Blagaj Japra dzemat near Bosanski Novi
- 535. The mosque in Blagaj Rijeka (BosanskiNovi)
- 536. Ten vakuf houses with Imam's flats and classrooms for religious education of children in the area of Bosanski Novi de stroyed by Chetniks. It is not known what happened to the mosque in Urija dzemat. During destruction of mosques in this area Chetniks would say: "Why do they need so many mosques? One is enough".
- 537. A modern vakuf house with two Imam's flats, offices and classrooms in Vlasenica. Two Imams, Munib Ahmetovic and Bego Sleimovic, were tortured and humiliated by Chetniks and Arkan's men and then expelled from that region.
- 538. The mosque in Slivno dzemat near Breza damaged
- 539. The mosque in Smailbegovici near Breza also damaged
- 540.Mesdzid in the same dzemat damaged
- 541. The mosque in Orahovo near Breza damaged
- 542. Mekteb in Salkanov Han (Breza) damaged
- 543. Mesdzid in Ljesevo near Breza set on fire by Chetniks during the massacre of the local Muslim population.
- 544. The mosque in Novo Brdo near Visoko damaged
- 545. The mosque in Kraljevac dzemat (Visoko) damaged
- 546. The mosque in Rosulje (Visoko) substantially damaged by aggressor grenades
- 547. The mosque in Donja Mahala (Visoko) damaged
- 548. The mosque in Krapule (Visoko) damaged to such extent that it cannot be used
- 549. The mosque in Vratnica dzemat (Visoko) hit with several heavy missiles
- 550. Naksibendi tekky in Visoko damaged by shelling
- 551. Vakuf house in Bijela dzamija dzemat in Visoko damaged
- 552. Vakuf house in Pertacki dzemat in Visoko also damaged
- 553. Mesdzid in Stuparici (Visoko) damaged
- 554. Mesdzid in Dvor dzemat (Visoko) damaged
- 555. Mekteb in Taukcici <Tauktschichi> near Visoko substantially damaged
- 556. Vakuf house with Imam's residence and offices of Islamic Community in Kljuc <Kljutsch>. A rich archive of the Islamic Community set on fire.
- 557. The newly built vakuf house in Pudin Han near Kljuc set on fire and Imam's house destroyed
- 558. The old mosque in Pudin Han (Kljuc) set on fire and then levelled
- 559. The mosque in Ramici dzemat (Kljuc) levelled by explosives
- 560. Imam's house in the same dzemat
- 561. The mosque in Krasulje dzemat near Kljuc blown up
- 562.Imam's flat in that dzemat set on fire
- 563. The mosque in Hripavci (Kljuc) set on fire
- 564. Vakuf house in that dzemat also set on fire
- 565.The mosque in Humici (Kljuc) set on fire
- 566. The mosque in Kamicak dzemat (Kljuc) blown up
- 567. Imam's house in that dzemat destroyed in the same way by Chetniks
- 568. The mosque in Dubocani near Kljuc set on fire
- 569. The mosque in Crljen dzemat (Kljuc)
- 570. The mosque in Zgon dzemat (Kljuc)
- 571. The mosque in Biljani dzemat (Kljuc) blown up
- 572. Imam's house in that dzemat also blown up
- 573. The mosque in Gornja Sanica (Kljuc)
- 574. Vakuf building in that dzemat also
- 575. The mosque in Donja Sanica (Kljuc) destroyed by Chetniks
- 576. Vakuf house in the same place also
- 577. The mosque in Glavaticevo (Konjic)
- 578. The mosque in Gubavica (Mostar) does not exist any more
- 579. The mosque in Svinjarina-Kuzhanj (Podvelezh near Mostar)
- 580. Mesdzid in Pijesci (Mostar) also destroyed by Chetnik vandals
- 581. The Krzlar-Aga mosque in Mrkonjic Grad, over 400 years old, destroyed by a large quantity of explosive. The minaret withstood the first detonation, but Chetniks then destroyed it completely with a larger quantity of explosives
- 582. The Hamidija mosque in Rika settlement (Mrkonjic Grad) blown up and completely levelled
- 583. The mosque in Crvena Rijeka Mahala (Srebrenica) levelled
- 584. Vakuf house with mekteb and Imam's flat in the same mahala
- 585. Vakuf house with mekteb, offices of Islamic Community and Imam's flat in Olovo destroyed. All archives of the Islamic Community destroyed. Abdeshana and gusulhana substantially damaged by heavy shelling.
- 586. The mosque in Miljevici (Olovo) levelled. This was the oldest mosque completely made of wood in the region of Olovo. During World War II this place was also occupied by Chetniks, but the mosque remained untouched. Chetniks today do not respect any place of worship, especially Muslim ones.
- 587. Mekteb in this dzemat also completely destroyed. Eyewitnesses allege that Chetniks first looted mosque and mekteb and then torched and levelled them.
- 588. Mesdzid in the village of Kolakovici (Olovo) destroyed along with the village
- 589. The mosque in Kaljina (Sokolac)
- 590. Imam's house, mekteb and offices of Islamic Community in the same place also destroyed
- 591. The mosque in Donji Ivancisi (Ilijas) <Ivantschischi, Ilijasch>
- 592. The new mosque in Gornji Ivancisi (Ilijas) set on fire
- 593. Mekteb in the village of Vruci (Ilijas) set on fire
- 594. The mosque in Nevacka dzemat (Olovo) burned down
- 595. The mosque in Knezhina (Sokolac)
- 596. The mosque in Medjurjecje near Cajnice burned down
- 597. Imam's residence in that dzemat also burned down
- 598. The mosque in Batovo (Cajnice) set on fire by Chetniks
- 599. The mosque in Zaborak dzemat (Cajnice) set on fire by Chetniks
- 600. The mosque in Hunkovisi near Cajnice also set on fire by Chetniks
- 601. Vakuf house in the village of Kramer near Rogatica burned to ashes
- 602. Imam's house and mekteb in Rogatica set on fire
- 603. The mosque in Sljedovici (Rogatica)
- 604. Vakuf house in that dzemat also set on fire
- 605. The mosque in Lubardici near Rogatica heavily damaged
- 606. The mosque in Zhivaljevici near Rogatica burned down
- 607. The mosque in Batovo dzemat near Rogatica also burned down
- 608. The mosque in Strmica near Rudo
- 609. The mosque in Strgacina (Rudo) heavily damaged
- 610. The mosque in Orahovice dzemat (Visegrad) substantially damaged
- 611. Vakuf house in Zhlijeb dzemat (Visegrad) set on fire
- 612. The mosque in Liskovac (Bosanska Gradiska)
- 613. The mosque in Dubrave dzemat (Bosanska Gradiska)
Sarajevo, August, 1993.
Vrh stranice